Carson used to be the best sleeper ever!
In bed and asleep by 8, and then we introduced his big boy
bed(plus a move over seas) and it's been a different
story since. He was supposed to be in bed asleep, but
apparently he was playing dressup. This kid seriously
cracks me up!
Carson wanted my help in getting out, but I decided
that it would be a better idea to take some photos, and
beside he got himself in there, you would think he should
be able to get himself out.
I do have a binkie boy. He loves his pacifier.
He usually only has it a bed time, nap time, and car
seat time. When Owen wakes up for his nap he
frantically searches for his binkie, puts it in his mouth,
and expects to be carted off. To his dismay, I pull it out and throw
it back into the play pen (yes he still sleeps in his play pen) so I
won't loose it.
Carson has this thing he does..."Hey mom take
a picture of this, take a picture of this and this and this."
He is such a little goof ball, and I love him for it!
Matching clothes :)! I know some of you are totally
anti matchy matchy, but I love it. My boys will
probably hate me for it later on, but while they are young
I will have a little fun with them.
Carson loves to touch Owen's head while making this face.
I don't get it, but I'm glad I captured it for posterity sake.